Missing Tiles in MKTileOverlayRenderer

Well, there is a bug in Apple’s MapKit since iOS 13.2, as the folks in developer community say: If you want to use non-Apple maps (e.g. OpenStreetMap®) occasionally tiles are not rendered although you supply the correct data in your sub-class of MKTileOverlayRenderer. There seems to be no obvious systematic but if you scroll around the map you’ll soon find missing tiles. There seems to be no real fix for that problem and your app will not be notified if that happens; the delegate method mapViewDidFinishRenderingMap(mapView:fullyRendered:) will always signal „fullyRendered“ although tiles may be missing. Weiterlesen

MapKit: Change in Behaviour of addOverlay on iOS 16 / Xcode 14.0

Just after I have published my latest app project „Muvy“, a very nice tracking app for all outdoor activities, Apple released iOS 16 and Xcode 14.0. With big horror I had to notice that my app was not working properly with the new version of the operating system. All non-Apple maps were covering my tracks so that they were not visible anymore. What a pity. It turns out that Apple changed the behaviour of the quite central method addOverlay without notice.
